"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today" - Malcom X
At RL Hughes Primary School, we want to give children a curriculum that promotes a passion and curiosity for learning where they are “Exploring, learning and growing together”. It is our vision that each child fulfils their potential, regardless of their background or circumstances, in a safe, stimulating and caring environment. We aim to develop a love of learning inspired by quality teaching, foster high aspirations and encourage positive self esteem.
Our curriculum is built around the National Curriculum, however this is enhanced and enriched to reflect the children and community we teach in. At RL Hughes our broad and balanced curriculum aims for our children to:
Ultimately, we want all of our children, to be the best they can be, making a positive contribution to the world they live in.
Underpinning our curriculum at RL Hughes, we have an ethos to nurture each child to become:
Our curriculum is implemented with the Curriculum Intent at the centre of all we do at RL Hughes. Our “Exploring, learning, growing together” curriculum incorporates the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science alongside our wider curriculum, covering all other National Curriculum subjects, as well as a focus on the whole child.
We deliver a coherently planned curriculum showing progression and an understanding of key knowledge, skills and concepts. More detailed Curriculum Overviews, including objectives for each subject, have been developed to ensure that the coverage and requirements of the National Curriculum are met
The wider curriculum is organised into discrete subjects to ensure that children can be immersed in the subject specific vocabulary, knowledge, skills and understanding. Where meaningful links can be made with other subjects that help secure prior learning or develop learning further, ‘cross-curricular’ learning takes place.
Children revisit learning through regular warm-ups consisting of targeting questioning and retrieval practice as well as ‘End of Topic Quizzes’. These give children the opportunity to recall key knowledge, allowing children to commit new information to their long-term memory, and make learning stick, supporting the theory that ‘Progress means knowing more and remembering more’. Where possible, learning will be supported by carefully selected enrichment opportunities such as trips, visits, workshops, artefact boxes, role-play and practical resources. We feel these are key to providing all pupils rich memorable experiences to enhance their learning. Alongside this, we build in inspiring and exciting themed days and events which immerse the children in a variety of current and relevant themes.
As a school, we place importance on children developing the skills they need to succeed in life, along with all children achieving their potential socially, emotionally and academically.
We provide children with the opportunity to develop and support their learning to succeed in life. Whether it be learning to use a knife and fork or tying shoe laces, or learning to sew on a button or making a cup of tea, the children will be given the opportunity to develop these lifelong skills. We focus on developing the whole child through the promotion of sports, the arts, personal, social and emotional development and a wide range of extra-curricular activities.
At RL Hughes Primary School, we promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Our CORE Curriculum
Our Core Curriculum focuses on the knowledge and skills we need to succeed in life. We aim to implement the core areas of the curriculum by:
Our WIDER Curriculum
Our Wider Curriculum focuses on understanding the past, the world and our unique
culture and setting. We aim to implement the wider areas of the curriculum by:
WHOLE CHILD Curriculum
Our Whole Child Curriculum focuses on developing the skills children need to
succeed in life. We aim to implement the whole child areas of the curriculum by:
At RL Hughes, rigorous triangulated monitoring throughout the year is used to gauge
the impact of the curriculum design. Curriculum subject leaders monitor individual
subjects, reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice and providing individual feedback. Good practice is shared and areas for improvement identified and swift action is taken. Action plans for each subject, within the School Improvement Plan, drive the continual refinement of the curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of all children at RL Hughes and maintains high expectations.
The progress of all children is carefully tracked and the impact of the curriculum for all groups of children in school is closely monitored. We use both formative and
summative assessment information every day, in every lesson. Staff use this
information to inform their short-term planning and short-term interventions – including in the foundation subjects. This helps us provide the best possible support for all of our pupils, including the more able.
Assessment information is analysed by Subject Leads, the SEND Lead and
Headteacher as part of our monitoring cycle. Pupil progress reviews are conducted
termly. We set out our monitoring cycle at the beginning of each academic year. This identifies when monitoring for all year groups is undertaken in all subject areas. Monitoring includes: scrutiny of work/books, lesson drop ins and/or learning walks, pupil/parent and/or staff voice.
All of this information is gathered and reviewed. It is used to inform further curriculum
developments and provision is adapted accordingly.
The impact of our curriculum will reflect in the following statements:
If you would like to find out any more information about our curriculum, please contact the school office.
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today" - Malcom X
At RL Hughes Primary School, we want to give children a curriculum that promotes a passion and curiosity for learning where they are “Exploring, learning and growing together”. It is our vision that each child fulfils their potential, regardless of their background or circumstances, in a safe, stimulating and caring environment. We aim to develop a love of learning inspired by quality teaching, foster high aspirations and encourage positive self esteem.
Our curriculum is built around the National Curriculum, however this is enhanced and enriched to reflect the children and community we teach in. At RL Hughes our broad and balanced curriculum aims for our children to:
Ultimately, we want all of our children, to be the best they can be, making a positive contribution to the world they live in.
Underpinning our curriculum at RL Hughes, we have an ethos to nurture each child to become:
Our curriculum is implemented with the Curriculum Intent at the centre of all we do at RL Hughes. Our “Exploring, learning, growing together” curriculum incorporates the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science alongside our wider curriculum, covering all other National Curriculum subjects, as well as a focus on the whole child.
We deliver a coherently planned curriculum showing progression and an understanding of key knowledge, skills and concepts. More detailed Curriculum Overviews, including objectives for each subject, have been developed to ensure that the coverage and requirements of the National Curriculum are met
The wider curriculum is organised into discrete subjects to ensure that children can be immersed in the subject specific vocabulary, knowledge, skills and understanding. Where meaningful links can be made with other subjects that help secure prior learning or develop learning further, ‘cross-curricular’ learning takes place.
Children revisit learning through regular warm-ups consisting of targeting questioning and retrieval practice as well as ‘End of Topic Quizzes’. These give children the opportunity to recall key knowledge, allowing children to commit new information to their long-term memory, and make learning stick, supporting the theory that ‘Progress means knowing more and remembering more’. Where possible, learning will be supported by carefully selected enrichment opportunities such as trips, visits, workshops, artefact boxes, role-play and practical resources. We feel these are key to providing all pupils rich memorable experiences to enhance their learning. Alongside this, we build in inspiring and exciting themed days and events which immerse the children in a variety of current and relevant themes.
As a school, we place importance on children developing the skills they need to succeed in life, along with all children achieving their potential socially, emotionally and academically.
We provide children with the opportunity to develop and support their learning to succeed in life. Whether it be learning to use a knife and fork or tying shoe laces, or learning to sew on a button or making a cup of tea, the children will be given the opportunity to develop these lifelong skills. We focus on developing the whole child through the promotion of sports, the arts, personal, social and emotional development and a wide range of extra-curricular activities.
At RL Hughes Primary School, we promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Our CORE Curriculum
Our Core Curriculum focuses on the knowledge and skills we need to succeed in life. We aim to implement the core areas of the curriculum by:
Our WIDER Curriculum
Our Wider Curriculum focuses on understanding the past, the world and our unique
culture and setting. We aim to implement the wider areas of the curriculum by:
WHOLE CHILD Curriculum
Our Whole Child Curriculum focuses on developing the skills children need to
succeed in life. We aim to implement the whole child areas of the curriculum by:
At RL Hughes, rigorous triangulated monitoring throughout the year is used to gauge
the impact of the curriculum design. Curriculum subject leaders monitor individual
subjects, reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice and providing individual feedback. Good practice is shared and areas for improvement identified and swift action is taken. Action plans for each subject, within the School Improvement Plan, drive the continual refinement of the curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of all children at RL Hughes and maintains high expectations.
The progress of all children is carefully tracked and the impact of the curriculum for all groups of children in school is closely monitored. We use both formative and
summative assessment information every day, in every lesson. Staff use this
information to inform their short-term planning and short-term interventions – including in the foundation subjects. This helps us provide the best possible support for all of our pupils, including the more able.
Assessment information is analysed by Subject Leads, the SEND Lead and
Headteacher as part of our monitoring cycle. Pupil progress reviews are conducted
termly. We set out our monitoring cycle at the beginning of each academic year. This identifies when monitoring for all year groups is undertaken in all subject areas. Monitoring includes: scrutiny of work/books, lesson drop ins and/or learning walks, pupil/parent and/or staff voice.
All of this information is gathered and reviewed. It is used to inform further curriculum
developments and provision is adapted accordingly.
The impact of our curriculum will reflect in the following statements:
If you would like to find out any more information about our curriculum, please contact the school office.