All parents, carers, guardians and staff are automatically members of The Friends of R L Hughes, and all are welcome to attend meetings. Please don’t be shy, as we would love to see you there.
We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and opportunities, but we usually raise money through fun events and initiatives:
Christmas Fair
Easter Bingo
and lots more...
The FoRLH are passionate about our school and helping the children be the best they can be. We spend the money raised to enrich the children’s education, and over the years we have raised money to help the school in numerous ways.
This has included contributing towards/purchasing:
KS1 playground
KS2 Garden
Reception Treehouse
Our school dog – Albie
And much more
We also assist in organising the Y6 end of year party, provide leaving gifts for Y6, organise refreshments at Christmas productions and sports days, and this year we are funding the gold reward in the summer term.
Last year, we raised over £7000, and we are currently saving for the refurbishment of the Y3/4 playground.
The current committee
Chair – Sharon Mcfarlane
Vice Chair – Beverley Bell
Treasurer – Nic Halsall
If you have any questions, you can talk to any